Employment Subsidy Incentive - Firm Application Form

* Please fill all required fields

Employment Subsidy Incentive - Firm Application Form

Section 1: Company/organization’s Contact Details
Company/organization’s Name in Arabic* Mandatory field
Company/organization’s Name in English (Trade Name) * Mandatory field
Company/organizations’ Website Link* Mandatory field
Company/organizations HQ address* Mandatory field
Company/organization’s Branches Address (if available)
Name of the Company/organization’s CEO/GM/Managing Partner* Mandatory field
Application Contact Person Name/Title* Mandatory field
Application Contact Person Email* Mandatory field
Application Contact Person Mobile number* Mandatory field
Section 2: Company/organization Overview
Please provide a brief description about the Company/organization and its main activities * Mandatory field
Date of Company/organization’s registration (DD/MM/YYYY)* Mandatory field
Company/organization’s registration Type* Mandatory field
Sector/subsector* Mandatory field
Total Number of Current Employees* Mandatory field
Total Number of Current Female Employees* Mandatory field
Total Number of females in leadership position (CEO, GM, Director, Manager, Supervisor, Team Leader) * Mandatory field
Upload Company Registration Certificate (with company objectives) (upload file in PDF format)* Mandatory fieldUpload Size :40960, kb File Type : PDF
Section 3: Company/organization Hiring Plan
First Position
Third Position

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